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❔ Have you heard of the Rotator Cuff (RC)? Been told you’ve injured this? But have no idea what it is? 🤓 Then we wanted to give you a little more info. 🧐 The RC is a group of 4 muscles that surround and stabilise the shoulder joint. 💭 They attach the scapular (shoulder blade) to the humerus (upper arm). As a group, the RC help to hold the humerus in the shoulder socket. But individually they have their own roles: ➡️ SWIPE TO SEE THE INDIVUDUAL MUSCLES ➡️ 💪 Supraspinatus – Abduction (takes the arm away from the body), but only the first 15°. 💪 Infraspinatus – External rotation (rotates arm away from the body) and adduction (brings arm back to body). 💪 Teres Minor - External rotation (rotates arm away from the body) and adduction (brings arm back to body). 💪 Subscapularis – Internal rotation (rotates arm towards the body).

👍 We hope this has given you guys a little more info. Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us 📩

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